By: McClatchy-Tribune News Service
Posted In: Opinion
-Double your fluid intake. Fluids help keep mucus thin and easy to clear.
-Gargle with warm salt water. Mix { teaspoon of salt in a full glass of warm water, gargle, and then spit the water out. This soothes the throat and clear it of mucus.
-Add honey and lemon to taste into a glass of very hot water. Drinking this combo can help ease sore throat pain. Honey coats and soothes your throat, while lemon helps cut mucus.
-Suck on a throat lozenge or a piece of hard candy. This stimulates saliva production, which bathes and cleanses your throat.
-Add moisture to the air with a humidifier. This helps prevent mucus membranes from drying out, and can reduce irritation and make it easier to sleep. Saline nasal sprays also are helpful.
-Smoke irritates a sore throat. Don’t smoke when you’re sick, and avoid fumes from household cleaners and paint.
-Rest your voice. If your sore throat has affected your larynx, talking may lead to more irritation and laryngitis, a temporary loss of your voice. ___ Source: Mayo Clinic ___ Edited and compiled by Chuck Myers. ___ (c) 2006, McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.