Flags Across Newport

By: Beth Pelleteri
Posted In: News

Bert Duguay, co-owner of Ebenezer Flagg Co. at the corner of Touro and Spring Street in the heart of downtown Newport has been in business for over 30 years creating custom flags for companies all over the country. The small shop is covered from floor to ceiling with flags and banners ranging from national flags to personal family banners. With only one other partner, the two men fabricate every flag that goes out and they are extremely proud of every work they have done.

Q: How did you start this business?

Ebenezer Flagg was an actual man who was born in Woburn, Mass. in 1778. He was part of a very wealthy, prominent family in Newport back in the 1770’s. Back in the Revolutionary War times, the Flagg family was known for making flags for the servicemen. The business ended eventually with the deaths of the Flagg family.

Q: What has been your motivation to start this business?

I graduated from college with a degree in history and anthropology so having a background in history it ended up helping me out in the future. This job was kind of a job of opportunity situation because I needed a job after I got out of college and it was right for me. I love finishing a flag and know that I worked hard on it and that it is custom and my clients will be proud to hang that flag knowing that it was made with time and care. I didn’t think this job would last but I have grown to love it.

Q: Do you have any plans for the future?

We are thinking about developing a website where our customers can order online or just another outlet of advertising. That is still in the works though.

Q: How is business going right now?

Obviously with the economy in the bad state that it is, our business has definitely been hit just like every other business in the country. Winters are normally much slower than the summer months from May to October anyway, so this has been pretty bad on us. We are hopeful for the summer and more work and more business.

Q: What are your customers like?

We do a lot of business with corporate business men who are buying flags for the companies all over the country. Another big portion of our business is wealthy yacht owners who have boats at the docks who want flags for their ships. The Navy base is also one of our best customers also. We get some walk in traffic from tourists all throughout the year who just are looking for a seasonal flag or a country flag as well.

Q: So how do you get business?

It works out really well that we make signal flags for yacht owners because it’s almost like a word of mouth situation. We make a flag for a certain boat owner or yacht club and they fly their flag and other company or family see it and ask where they got it and pretty soon we are getting calls from all these different people saying they saw our flags flying and want our business themselves. They advertise themselves which is great.

Q: What are you most proud of?

I am just proud of the handmade work we do. We don’t send anything out and we pride ourselves in that. The only machines we use are small sewing machines. Everything else is hand sewn and takes plenty of time to make. We are here practically every day of the week, working all day long.

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