By: Sarah Araujo
Posted In: Opinion

Photo credit: John Alvin/The Fresno Bee/MCT
With so much hate in this world, a certain day comes along once a year to remind us of the love we all should share. Although considered by some as a “Hallmark Holiday,” Valentine’s Day is an important date to celebrate. With Feb. 14, 2010 closely approaching, I will explain the reasons that this day should be observed and given respect among other holidays.
Of course Valentine’s Day is mostly associated with romantic relationships. Especially for the less outgoing, Valentine’s Day offers a perfect opportunity to express feelings of romance, love and appreciation. Also, with such a hectic world, Valentine’s Day allows us to take the time to remind our loved ones of our feelings for them, and to be reminded of others’ feelings towards us. It is a great way to rekindle romantic feelings, reinforce these feelings, or even develop new ones. Engagements and weddings are common on this day. Current relationships can take on new meaning and new healthy relationships can form. Many single people feel a sense of bitterness when it comes to celebrating Valentine’s Day because they are not in a relationship. Although Valentine’s Day has importance for couples, it is also a significant day for anybody (in a relationship or not) to express their feelings of love towards their friends and family. Hallmark does make cards for this too. School children pass Valentine cards, and parents give and exchange gifts with their children. There are even people who send Valentine’s Day cards to soldiers to show their love for their country and appreciation for the soldiers’ service. Anybody that you love, admire, or appreciate should be celebrated on this holiday. Besides its sweet purpose, the ways in which Valentine’s Day is celebrated can also bring happiness to people. Everybody loves candy and chocolate, and the colors of bright pink and deep red are pleasing to the eye. Red roses are also pleasing to the eye and have a nice scent, along with scented candles that are frequently used in celebration. Enjoying a delicious piece of chocolate, while feeling the love in the air, does not sound like a bad time to me. Although February 14th is an ideal time to express our love, this should be done much more often throughout the year. A box of chocolates or a dozen red roses once a year is not the only way to show that you love somebody. Be creative, be sincere and love and appreciate those who are important to you all year round.