What’s up next for Mosaic

Summer vacation – for college students, it’s a cherished commodity, as the impending “real world” looms closer (what do you mean jobs don’t run on a semester schedule?!). However, Mosaic is in the midst of some big and very exciting changes, and our summer vacation going to be (a little bit) less about the beach and more about redefining ourselves. We’ll now be completely online at www.srumosaic.com, and are so excited about the possibilities for experimenting with different innovations in news media! Also, we really hope to become a hub for the student voice – a place where all facets of the university can come together and share what it is they’re doing, whether it’s a huge community service project or a campus event, or even just an weekly update. Our online focus opens up loads of opportunities for things like a stronger social media presence and a huge avenue for broadcast news packages. Besides all of this, we are planning club events such as field trips, movie screenings, and bringing a speaker to campus. For our website currently, we’ve selected some of our best copy from the year, and a feature to welcome the Class of 2018 to Salve Regina and the beautiful Newport community. Have a great summer, and we look forward to the fall!     Your Editors,   Lauren Kane and Kristin Wilinkiewicz

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