By: Justin Desjardins
Posted In: Entertainment

Photo credit: Miramax
Miramax´s poster promoting the film version of Chicago.
If you love Broadway Theater, you will enjoy the opportunity to travel to New York to see “Chicago” on a trip sponsored by the Campus Activities Board on Sunday, November 16. People are excited to see the musical because the movie “Chicago,” which won six Academy awards, was based on the successful revival of the musical.
CAB advisor and the assistant director of student activities, Holly Newell, says that she is “excited that we are able to offer a trip such as this to the students. The “Chicago” trip promises to be a good time for all who attend. This is going to be an extremely popular trip so students who plan on attending should make arrangements to purchase tickets early.” CAB marketing and public relations director, Christine Girouard, says that the movie has done a great job pumping her up because she is familiar with the music. She adds that she “cannot wait to see the difference between the movie and the stage production and ‘all that jazz.'” “Chicago,” based on a 1926 play and written by “Chicago Tribune” reporter Maurine Dallas Watkins, tells the story of Roxie Hart, a chorus girl who murders her lover and tries to pin the crime on her husband. She avoids death row with the help of lawyer Billy Flynn, and uses the trial publicity to propel herself to fame with another murderous chorus girl, Velma Kelly. Girouard mentions that the tickets are offered at a discounted price, as part of the student activity fee will help off set costs. Christopher Lyddy, CAB president, says that students can purchase tickets at $25 each from CAB or the Student Activities office.