Articles by: mosaiconline

Don’t Text and Drive

Don’t Text and Drive

Uncategorized December 22, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

If u r guilty of txting while drving, u mite want 2 think twice b4 u take ur eyes off the road. You may think that typing in this type of text shorthand will only cost you a few seconds, but those few seconds can cost you your life, or a fine for breaking the law.

Will the Wheels Keep Turning?

Will the Wheels Keep Turning?

Uncategorized December 22, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Newport, R.I.- Jay Nippert, a Salve Regina University security officer, still remembers that day in 1988 when he was skateboarding in Freebody Park on Middleton Avenue in Newport. It was a sunny and warm day, the perfect conditions for skateboarding. As he was enjoying his skateboard a cop passed by Nippert, got out and ripped the skateboard out from under his feet giving him a ticket and a court date.

Facebook: A Place for Drama

Uncategorized December 22, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

You go to this website multiple times a day, and before you log in you see, “Facebook: A place for friends.” Sometimes when I catch this, I giggle to myself. Is it really? It seems to be more like “Facebook: A vulnerable place where your enemies can harass you” or “Facebook: A place to upload pictures of every party you’ve ever been to.

Will 2010 be the Breakout Year for E-book Readers?

Uncategorized December 5, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

ST. LOUIS – When Sheila Effan found a Kindle electronic reader among her gifts last Christmas, one of her first thoughts was whether she would miss the smell and feel of real paper. She got her answer five months later.

That’s when a friend lent her a paperback.

Holiday Movie Preview: Season has Something for Everyone

Holiday Movie Preview: Season has Something for Everyone

Uncategorized December 5, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Robert Downey Jr. as the Master of Deduction. Peter Jackson directing a movie with no hobbits. Meryl Streep without an accent. Robert De Niro as the father of Drew Barrymore. Yes, the holiday movie season is upon us, and the films poised to descend on the multiplexes and the arthouses before the end of the year just might make it to an Oscar ballot – or might vanish, forgotten, into the cold night.