Articles by: mosaiconline

Wakehurst: Then and Now

Wakehurst: Then and Now

Uncategorized December 5, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

It has been over 120 years since the official housewarming of the Van Alen’s summer cottage, Wakehurst, and it is hard to imagine that Mr. Van Alen ever saw the future of his Newport estate to be what it is today. The gentle humming of servants and discussions between Mr.

“Twilight” Mania Overload

“Twilight” Mania Overload

Uncategorized December 5, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

During my last trip to FYE, I noticed a “New Moon” poster and thought nothing of it. As I proceeded into the store, I noticed an entire shrine devoted to the “Twilight” series, including candy hearts with a picture of Edward on the box, life-size cardboard cut-outs of each character and t-shirts galore.

Will 2010 be the Breakout Year for E-book Readers?

Uncategorized December 5, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

ST. LOUIS – When Sheila Effan found a Kindle electronic reader among her gifts last Christmas, one of her first thoughts was whether she would miss the smell and feel of real paper. She got her answer five months later.

That’s when a friend lent her a paperback.

Dancing with Drea

Uncategorized December 5, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

“One-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight” echoes through the dance studio as girls rehearse the same movements over and over again. To non-experienced eyes such as mine, I thought the first go through was good. How I missed one dancer step on two and not three and one girl spin before the other girls are beyond her, and obviously beyond me.

Family of the Year Releases Debut CD, “Songbook”

Family of the Year Releases Debut CD, “Songbook”

Uncategorized December 5, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Family of the Year recently released their first full length debut album, “Songbook,” on independent label, Washashore Records. The CD consists of 15 songs which will brighten anyone’s day. This feel good album can easily be listened to at work or on a long drive to the beach.