Articles by: mosaiconline

I Want My MTV Back!

Uncategorized September 23, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Where have all the music videos gone? Where are the video jockeys? Simply, where is the music?

MTV is not the same without what originally made it great, the music. MTV is no longer “Music Television.”

To the audiences of MTV shows such as The Hills, Real World, and scripted dating shows such as Parental Control, music is only something that is heard in the background of scenes.

Salve “Goes Green”

Uncategorized September 23, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Economy sized condiment pumps, 100% bleach free brown napkins, recyclable coffee cups and biodegradable utensils made from cornhusks graffiti dining locations on Salve Regina University’s campus.

Alongside tray-less dining protrudes homegrown milk from Portsmouth, locally farm-grown fruits and vegetables and fair trade coffee.

Fall Festivities Focus on the Arts

Uncategorized September 23, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Tim Lynch Posted In: Entertainment Students in the Performing Arts majors have been working hard these past few weeks in preparation for Fall Festival Weekend, and promise amazing shows for their audiences. The Hunger Concert by Don St. Jean The Hunger Concert will be presented on Friday, Sept. 25, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. in Ochre Court, as part ofRead More

Hanson Brings “Use Your Sole” Tour to Boston in October

Hanson Brings “Use Your Sole” Tour to Boston in October

Uncategorized September 23, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

This fall, Hanson will join Hellogoodbye, Sherwood and Steel Train on the “Use Your Sole” tour. The tour, sponsored by Toms Shoes, will feature a pre-show walk in each show city to raise awareness to global poverty issues.

On past tours, Hanson and fans have walked one mile in each tour city to empathize with children in Africa who are affected by AIDS.

Therefore I Am Rocks Hometown Crowd

Therefore I Am Rocks Hometown Crowd

Uncategorized July 28, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Over a hundred bands play the Vans Warped Tour every year, but only a few bands can call Boston home. Therefore I Am, a Boston post-hardcore band, played in front of hundreds of hometown fans at the Massachusetts stop on this year’s Vans Warped Tour.

“People come up to us and are like, ‘oh you’re a band from Boston, oh that’s awesome,’ and they’re so interested because people know that music community here is amazing,” said Alex Correia, lead singer for Therefore I Am, said.