Articles by: mosaiconline

The truth about trans fat

Uncategorized April 14, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

All of us have dealt with the stress and anxiety that accompanies writing a 20-page paper the night before it is due. Despite all the stress and pressure to complete our work, especially as the semester winds down, we feel just as much stress to cease the grumbling in our stomachs at all times

of the day and night.

Accountant or Computer?

Uncategorized April 14, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Dan Titus has one of the busiest jobs on campus. He is in charge of all of the audio and visual set-ups on campus, as well as the computers in all of the classrooms. With the constant commotion that goes down in the University Computer Las, which is located in the basement of the Salve Regina University library, Titus, assistant director of the University Computer Labs, also has what other people have on their minds this time of year.

Strength in numbers

Uncategorized April 14, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Today, collegiate sports are highly competitive, from Division 1 to Division 3. For Nicole Fecteau, a junior on Salve Regina University’s women’s lacrosse team, this means a nearly year round conditioning and training program. After a summer of running distance and sprints on her own, Fecteau looks forward to training with her team.

Jack’s Mannequin brings ‘Piano Rock’ back to Salve

Jack’s Mannequin brings ‘Piano Rock’ back to Salve

Uncategorized April 14, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Pushing his blonde, shaggy hair out of his eyes, Andrew McMahon, 25, perfectly tuned his instrument. Piano rock, as many of his fans have dubbed his style, is what Jack’s Mannequin is all about. Six hours before his performance, on the stage constructed by students earlier that morning, McMahon sound checked the keys of his piano.

April 24 Event to Raise Funds for Flying Kites, Kenyan Orphanage

April 24 Event to Raise Funds for Flying Kites, Kenyan Orphanage

Uncategorized April 14, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Flying Kites, a non-profit organization, will host a fundraiser on Thursday, April 24 from 6-9 p.m. at Sardella’s Italian Restaurant on Memorial Blvd. in Newport.

The event will raise funds for a Kenyan orphanage (run by Flying Kites) and plans for a children’s center for orphaned, abused and homeless children in Kenya.