Articles by: mosaiconline

Full of Flavor

Uncategorized October 1, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Funky, fresh, and sophisticated tastes tantalized the palettes of tourists and locals alike at the 19th annual “Taste of Rhode Island” festival, Saturday, September 29 and Sunday, September 30 in downtown Newport. This yearly event is host to over 50 Rhode Island eateries, exhibiting the best their menus have to offer.

Hunger Concert a huge success

Uncategorized October 1, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Salve’s annual hunger concert in Ochre Court proved to be a sold out show on Friday, with students, faculty, and members of Newport’s community filling every seat.

Overflows of audience stood on the second floor, watching the happenings from above.

The Great Hall looked impressive with red carpets laid across the floors for the special event, and delightful displays of refreshments and snacks awaiting guests.

Paris to the rescue

Uncategorized October 1, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

No, she won’t be out drinking or walking around saying “that’s hot” anymore. Paris is heading to Rwanda.

Yes, the rumors are true. The famous-for-practically-nothing socialite has abandoned her inhibitions- yet again- but not for booze, or an aspiring actress/singer career.

It’s scary what girls wear for Halloween

Uncategorized October 1, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

For many girls and young women, costumes have gone from being creative to promiscuous.

Remember when your parents were in control of your Halloween costume? My mom decked me out head to toe in a custom clown suit fitted with a rainbow afro and a red sponge ball on my nose.

S.G.A. elections- Did you even bother voting?

S.G.A. elections- Did you even bother voting?

Uncategorized October 1, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Wednesday September 26, I took time out of my hectic college schedule and forced myself to vote online for the S.G.A contenders.

Conscientious of my own apathy, I scaled campus that day asking various students if they had voted, or even considered the matter; “No” seemed to be the prominent response that day.