Articles by: mosaiconline

Desire for Diversity in U.S. Universities, Colleges Continues to Grow

Desire for Diversity in U.S. Universities, Colleges Continues to Grow

Uncategorized March 16, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Matilda Mutanguha, 20, says she came to Salve Regina because she “liked that it is a small school and beautiful campus.”

Salve Professors Use AOL Instant Messenger as a Classroom Tool

Salve Professors Use AOL Instant Messenger as a Classroom Tool

Uncategorized March 16, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

ChelseBMelina (11:07:26 AM): hi Dr. Rothman —

salvemath (11:07:33 AM): hello!

ChelseBMelina (11:07:34 AM): is now an okay time to chat?

salvemath (11:07:39 AM): sure!

ChelseBMelina (11:07:51 AM): great… I love the enthusiasm! lol

salvemath (11:08:07 AM): just that kind of guy

There is no doubt that the Internet has changed the way college students study, research and communicate.

Salve Senior Maintains, Looks to Expand

Uncategorized March 16, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled is a new website produced by salve student, Shaun Nicholson, in order to facilitate the way for the public to explore downtown Newport with just one click.

Nicholson is in his last year at Salve Regina University. Therefore, like any other college senior with current limited funds and loans to pay back lurking around the corner, Nicholson started to brainstorm an easy way for him and his friends to make some extra money.

Local Micro Brewery is an Extreme Hit on Rhode Island’s Coastline

Local Micro Brewery is an Extreme Hit on Rhode Island’s Coastline

Uncategorized March 16, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Brent Ryan, President/CEO of Coastal Extreme Brewing Company, has done what every college graduate could only dreamed of: He’s turned a weekend past time into a local brand and a successful business.

After graduating in 1997 from Colby College in Maine, Ryan and three college friends, Derek Luke, Mark Sinclair, and Will Rafferty, decided that they did not want to work for “The Man.

Mexico Violence Puts Chill on Spring Breakers’ South-of-Border Jaunts

Uncategorized March 16, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, Texas- As tens of thousands of students make spring-break visits to south Texas, a resurgence of drug-related violence across the border in northern Mexico is forcing the U.S. and Mexico to consider how to court these and other tourists.