Articles by: mosaiconline

Women’s Lacrosse Welcomes Eight New Players This Spring

Women’s Lacrosse Welcomes Eight New Players This Spring

Uncategorized March 9, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The women’s lacrosse team is looking forward to another season this year, with senior Selina Rano and junior Cara Dunn leading the pack.

With the season opener fast approaching against UMass Dartmouth, Coach Hillary London hopes for good weather, as not to postpone which they have had to do in past seasons.

Salve NYC Trip Exciting and Unforgettable for Small Town Girl

Salve NYC Trip Exciting and Unforgettable for Small Town Girl

Uncategorized March 9, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

NEW YORK CITY- Last Sunday, Salve hosted a field trip to NYC for a day of shopping, for some students it was an unforgettable experience.

The campus activities board at Salve offers a variety of field trips to all

students. The trip two weeks ago was a shopping trip to New York City, the bus arrived at around 1 p.

Dating and Relationships 101: Asking Is the Right Thing to Do

Uncategorized March 9, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

At 7p.m. last Wednesday, the Bazarsky Lecture Hall in O’Hare Academic Center was packed with boisterous Salve students, professors, staff, health officials and Mike Domitrz, author of “May I Kiss You,” and a leading authority on consent, healthy dating, and sexual assault awareness.

Efforts to Raise Minimum Wage Fail, Congress Girds for Debate

Uncategorized March 9, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

WASHINGTON- The Senate on Monday defeated two proposals to raise the minimum wage, in a test of muscle over what’s expected to be a yearlong struggle to increase an income floor that’s gone unchanged for nine years.

A Democratic proposal to raise the rate by $5.

The Dream Job for a Tennis Fan Exists in Newport

The Dream Job for a Tennis Fan Exists in Newport

Uncategorized March 9, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Kat Anderson may just have the dream job of all tennis fans. Anderson has worked at the International Tennis Hall of Fame for six years. Being a tennis player herself, Anderson is around tennis all day; she even gets chances to meet some pros, like Serena Williams, (who ranked #1 tennis player in the world in 2002).