Articles by: mosaiconline

The Dream Job for a Tennis Fan Exists in Newport

The Dream Job for a Tennis Fan Exists in Newport

Uncategorized March 9, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Kat Anderson may just have the dream job of all tennis fans. Anderson has worked at the International Tennis Hall of Fame for six years. Being a tennis player herself, Anderson is around tennis all day; she even gets chances to meet some pros, like Serena Williams, (who ranked #1 tennis player in the world in 2002).

College: What Is It Really Costing Us?

College: What Is It Really Costing Us?

Uncategorized March 9, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

In applying to college, Scott Fitzgerald chose to apply to only three schools as opposed to Jenna Ford, who applied to eight schools. The difference between these students was that Fitzgerald paid his own application fees while Ford’s application fees were paid by her parents.

Mosaic’s Senior of the Week: Liz Rossi

Mosaic’s Senior of the Week: Liz Rossi

Uncategorized March 9, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Mosaic’s Senior of the Week is Liz Rossi.

MOSAIC: Where are you from?

LIZ: Bristol, RI

MOSAIC: What is your major/minor?

LIZ: I am double majoring in theatre and secondary education

MOSAIC: How many plays have you been in at Salve?

LIZ: I have been in five plays at Salve.

Local Tattoo Artists Has a Talent That Touches Many

Local Tattoo Artists Has a Talent That Touches Many

Uncategorized March 2, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

It seems fair to say that each day, when Jen Guertin arrives at work, she comes in contact with many different people.

As a tattoo artist, Jen’s talent requires a physical interaction between the artist and client. On the other hand, with each tattoo there comes a personal connection as well.

Singer/Songwriter Syd Comes to Salve

Singer/Songwriter Syd Comes to Salve

Uncategorized March 2, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Singer/songwriter and recording artist, Syd, will perform Wednesday, March 2, at Salve Regina University. The performance will be part of the coffeehouse presentation which the Salve Campus Activities Board (CAB) puts on every other week throughout the semester.

Syd is a 22 year old pop/rock artist who plays the guitar and sings his own lyrics and is trying to make a name for himself around college campuses.