Students, Faculty and Staff Enjoy the Covocation Picnic
By: Chelse Melina Posted In: News Pictures: Photo credit: Chelse MelinaConvocation Picnic
By: Chelse Melina Posted In: News Pictures: Photo credit: Chelse MelinaConvocation Picnic
The Editors and Staff of the Mosaic would like to welcome all new and returning students back to Salve for the Fall Semester. We hope you had a relaxing summer!
Please check back soon for the latest news on the Salve campus!As I look back on my years at Salve, I don’t see classes and books and research papers. I see a kaleidoscope of faces, a moving landscape of the people who have made me who I am as we all step from the confines of college to the endless decisions of the real world.
Extended hours at the McKillop Library, large cups of coffee and overtired students are all signs of final exams at Salve Regina University. VIRGO (Volunteers Interested in Reaching Out and Guiding Others) hosted stress busters in Miley Hall on Monday, May 3 from 10 p.
Living on campus in the summer is both a job and a vacation for the students who get the opportunity to spend the summer at Salve Regina University.