Articles by: mosaiconline

Military Predicted Rise in Guerrilla Attacks After Saddam’s Capture

Uncategorized December 17, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

BAGHDAD, Iraq _ A top-secret report prepared for the American military command in Iraq just before Saddam Hussein was caught predicted that guerrilla attacks would increase after his arrest, as more anti-Saddam Iraqis joined the resistance.

The report argued that seizing Saddam could provoke more attacks by making the insurgency more acceptable to Sunni Muslims who weren’t members of Saddam’s Baath Party elite, according to senior administration officials who’ve seen it.

Eminem is Lucky Bad Taste isn’t a Crime

Uncategorized December 17, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Rapper Eminem is in hot water.

So what else is new?

Saddam: “We got him” or “We’ve had him?”

Uncategorized December 17, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Well it’s official: We’ve got Saddam Hussein, and the war in Iraq is ov…. um well we’ve got Saddam Hussein. I know this because I woke up Sunday morning, and he was at the dentists live on CNN. Apparently, old crazy beard has been living in a hole in Tikrit, the town he grew up in, in Iraq.

Former White Supremacist Featured at Lecture

Uncategorized December 10, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Racism has always been considered as a major problem in the United States, and the white supremacist movement today is surprisingly large. Tom (TJ) Leyden, an ex-neo Nazi skinhead, shared his experiences during a lecture at Salve Regina University.

Governor’s Ball A Success Despite The Snow

Uncategorized December 10, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Salve Regina University’s 27th Annual Governor’s Ball was postponed Saturday due to inclement weather at the request of Gov. Donald Carcieri. The event was rescheduled for the following night, Sunday, Dec. 7, at 9 p.m. in Ochre Court. The Governor’s Ball is a black tie event held yearly at Salve to raise money for student scholarships.