Articles by: mosaiconline

Being Here: “Time Flies…”

Uncategorized October 18, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Well, I have been in England for a month and a half now, and just that thought seems completely impossible. I have done so much this semester that I have hardly noticed the time passing. Things are changing all around me just as they would were I home, but it’s harder to notice them.

AIGA Members Get Creative with Pumpkins

AIGA Members Get Creative with Pumpkins

Uncategorized October 18, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

October is a month of chills, thrills, and of course, pumpkins. Pumpkin crafting is the perfect Halloween tradition that mixes creativity with fun. What better way for Salve Regina’s graphic design students to come together and celebrate the Halloween season?

On Thursday night Oct.

Tricks and Treats of Fall

Tricks and Treats of Fall

Uncategorized October 18, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

1. Get into the spirit right away:

This is the most crucial step. The sooner you get into the spirit of October, the more you will be able to enjoy all the fun this splendid month has to offer.
2. Deck out your living space in Halloween attire:

This is the best way you can get into the “Halloween spirit.

Vita’s Top Five Costume Picks

Uncategorized October 18, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

In light of October’s annual festivities, I found myself pondering totally unique and original Halloween costume ideas. In particular, ideas that catered to the highlights of the 2010-year thus far. Every year, All-Hallows-Eve goers seem to wear the typical Disney Princess, Joker, or Fairy-type.

Rugby Team Raises Money with ‘Rent A Rugger’ Event

Uncategorized October 18, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Men selling themselves may sound like a taboo business venture, but to raise money for the team the Salve Regina rugby team hosted a “Rent A Rugger” event in Bazarsky Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 12.

During the event each team member walked up to the stage, sang a song of his choice, and was auctioned off to members of the audience for bids starting at $15.