Articles by: mosaiconline

Behind the Scenes of Mosaic: Meet the Mosaic Editors

Behind the Scenes of Mosaic: Meet the Mosaic Editors

Uncategorized October 6, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Stephanie Turaj, 2011


English Communications

major, Political

Science minor

A normal person would

shudder at the mere mention

of being the editorin-

chief of both the Mosaic and the Willow

Literary Magazine. Stephanie, or “Steph-Steph”

to her close friends, handles the jobs gracefully-

although she may trip over the front step of

her house along the way.

Salve hosts “Light the Night” Fundraiser in Support of Those Battling Cancer

Salve hosts “Light the Night” Fundraiser in Support of Those Battling Cancer

Uncategorized October 6, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Saturday, Oct. 2, Salve will play host to an event in conjunction with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. “Light the Night” is The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s local fundraising event to pay tribute and bring hope to people battling cancer. Thousands of participants raise funds for vital, lifesaving research and patient services.

GOP Shouts Out “Pledge to America”

Uncategorized October 6, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

With Congressional mid-term elections in November drawing near, the economy as well as the controversy over continuing the Bush tax cuts has been on nearly every voter’s mind. On Sept. 23, Congress passed a new free market bill in an attempt to recharge profitability in the private sector through tax deductions for small businesses, as reported by The New York Times.

SGA Senators Elected for 2010-2011 Year

Uncategorized October 6, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Fifteen Senators have been elected for Salve’s Student Government Association. SGA elections were held from 7 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 29 through 10 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 30. According to SGA President Vincent Testa, 24 percent of Salve students students logged into the online system eBallot to vote this year.

Salve hosts the Boston Celtics Training Camp for the Third Year

Salve hosts the Boston Celtics Training Camp for the Third Year

Uncategorized October 6, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Noticed that there was an increase in really tall guys on campus recently? That’s because for the third year in a row, the Boston Celtics basketball team has dribbled,shot, and dunked in Salve’s Rodgers Recreational Center for its fall training camp. The training camp took place Sept.