By: Emily Ferro
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Well, I have been in England for a month and a half now, and just that thought seems completely impossible. I have done so much this semester that I have hardly noticed the time passing. Things are changing all around me just as they would were I home, but it’s harder to notice them. I think it is because I have expected my life to be put on pause while I am away, no matter how much I avoided thinking that way. It’s hard to imagine that I am here, but all the while life is continuing without me while I am home.
As much as I avoid the thought of it, when I get home, I will be one semester smarter for having studied in these classes that it hardly feels like I am taking. I will be one semester older, and one semester more experienced in the wealth of knowledge there is to be gained here in the UK. I will also be one semester closer to graduation, and one semester closer to thesis, one semester closer to living on my own, finding a job, and living out the rest of my life as a (hopefully) well-adjusted adult.
The hardest part is that this here does not quite feel like a semester. I am taking the classes, writing the papers, reading the books, and doing every assignment, but because of everything around me, I am in this dazed sort of vacation world. I am taking in the knowledge almost as tourist information. It’s nearly like every class is just a very in-depth tour to England. They’re all precursors to my journeys on the weekends. I am learning the culture and it’s all so fantastic, but it is all so strange.
Coming here is definitely the best decision I have ever made for myself, and it has ensured that I will never stay in one place for too long. There is so much to see and to do, and I feel like I have been missing the sights that are all around me at home. It makes me want to keep a travel log even at home, because there is certainly enough to learn about home as well as there is here.
It’s a beautiful world out there, folks. Go out there and travel, even if you’re simply traveling to the store. All you need to do is to really see what’s around you. It’ll be all the more beautiful for your paying attention, I promise.