Blood Drive Collects Enough to Save 282 Lives

By: Hannah Stracensky
Posted In: News

Students and faculty eagerly pull up their sleeves for a blood drive on Feb. 7 and Feb. 8, raising 94 pints to help people in need.

The blood drive was put on by the American Red Cross. Salve Students and faculty exceeded expectations of the goal set by the Red Cross of 35 to 45 pints of blood, by more than doubling that amount with a grand total of 94 pints.

The donors were sent to the hallway in the basement of the Rodgers Recreation Center. They registered with a nurse who had a table signup tables set up. After filling out a few forms, they were given a finger prick to break the skin for a blood sample. The blood sample was tested to make sure the donor was eligible, and was not carrying any diseases. Once the blood test was done, a wait for the next empty blood began.

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