
Photo Credit: Victoria Dellasalla

Snow Days and Delays

Campus, Newport February 16, 2015 at 10:41 am Comments are Disabled

    Photo Credit: Victoria Della Salla By Ellena Sweet | Campus News Editor After a relatively mild start to winter, Juno swept through Newport just in time for Salve’s spring semester. In light of the weather related cancellations and delays experienced since then, many students are wondering if there will be repercussions for what seems like a high occurrence ofRead More

Farm-To-Table practices make life better for everyone, including the cows.

Farm-To-Table: A Trend With an Impact

Campus February 16, 2015 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Mark Benedetti | Staff Writer Wednesday night, in Bazarsky hall, four experts led a panel discussion on bringing food to New England via reviving the region’s once-prosperous agricultural industry. Citing environmental concerns, food security, and economic troubles as an issue, they explored how local farms could potentially aid in the solution to these problems. The panel was hosted byRead More

A group of RA's enjoy sunnier weather.

Interested in Becoming a RA?

Campus February 16, 2015 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Tara Stanzione | Managing Editor Are you a leader? Do you truly care about others? If so, you should think about becoming an RA. Resident Advisor’s develop leadership skills, form friendships, and give students someone to go to when they don’t know where else to turn. They provide a safe and comfortable living environment for all students, and areRead More

Dean Malcolm Smith wants to make Salve as supportive as possible to students in difficult situations.

Salve Dean Works to Improve Sexual Misconduct Policies

Campus February 16, 2015 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Marrissa Ballard | Staff Writer Sexual misconduct on college campuses has recently become an important issue for university officials to focus on. One important document that pushed for new policies and processes was the Office of Civil Rights’ Dear Colleague Letter in 2011 which gave guidance to universities on how to act regarding sexual misconduct. This document outlined whatRead More

Term Papers, Tears, and Tranquility: A Scene from Finals Week

Term Papers, Tears, and Tranquility: A Scene from Finals Week

Campus, Op-Ed December 8, 2014 at 12:23 pm Comments are Disabled

By Mark Benedetti | Staff Writer Surrounding me are blank stares, open mouths, and computer chargers. Camps are sprawling, as supplies such as light food, textbooks, and coats take up additional space. The only ways to break the bleakness of this atmosphere are jokes, broken smiles, and coffee by the bucketful. All of the occupants of the area came hereRead More