
Review: Disney’s “Moana” Sails Into Success

Review: Disney’s “Moana” Sails Into Success

Arts and Entertainment, Op-Ed December 12, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Marrissa Ballard | Co-Editor-in-Chief It goes without saying that Disney and Pixar films are treasures that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. In recent years, with the joining of the two studios, Disney has seemed committed to reinventing its idea of a princess, and this progress culminates in Moana. Unlike princesses of the past, Moana drives herRead More

Final Fantasy XV Review

Final Fantasy XV Review

Arts and Entertainment, Op-Ed December 12, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Steven Quinones | Staff Writer It has been 29 years since the first installment of the Final Fantasy franchise was released, and the franchise is still going strong. The last real installment was released three years ago, and the hype for something to come along and revitalize the franchise was overwhelming. Final Fantasy XV went through a lot toRead More

Salve in String Lights: Decorating Campus for the Holidays

Salve in String Lights: Decorating Campus for the Holidays

Campus, Op-Ed December 11, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Felicia DeMatteo | Staff Writer For many people, the holiday season is the most special time of the year. The anticipation of snow, the excitement of getting a warm, festive Starbucks cup—the holiday season is the only time of year that emphasizes over-sized sweaters, sparkly anythings, and fuzzy onesies. For those that favor the holiday season over the rest, one lookRead More

Review: T.V.’s Revival of Iconic Court Cases and Investigations

Review: T.V.’s Revival of Iconic Court Cases and Investigations

Arts and Entertainment, Op-Ed November 14, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Lily Margaret Jones | Co-Editor-in-Chief Because original ideas are few and far between these days, both film and television have taken to remaking and recreating stories of the past. While we are used to watching as conglomerates like Disney and Time Warner recycle fictional princess and superhero content on a variety of platforms, 2016 saw the resurgence of a differentRead More

Op Ed: Stranger Things is a New Classic

Op Ed: Stranger Things is a New Classic

Arts and Entertainment, Op-Ed October 10, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

*Note: This article contains Stranger Things spoilers* By Caroline Connick | Staff Writer Try not to get trapped in the “Upside Down” when you watch Netflix’s original series, Stranger Things. This gripping sci-fi series is all the scandal and mystery of Pretty Little Liars, childish shenanigans and adventure of The Goonies, super-human action of the Marvel franchise and treacherous other-worldly encounters of AvatarRead More