
Best in Newport: Guacamole

Best in Newport: Guacamole

Op-Ed December 6, 2022 at 8:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Moira Tirrell | Staff Writer If there is one thing I love it is some good guacamole. In my humble opinion, Newport is home to some of the best guacamole. This is exactly why I chose to check out some of the various guacamole dishes around town to see which was my number one. Tijuana Burrito Grill To startRead More

Alum Eilis O’Neil Rocked my World… at Wave Cycle

Alum Eilis O’Neil Rocked my World… at Wave Cycle

Op-Ed, Uncategorized October 31, 2022 at 12:24 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Emma Liarikos | Social Media Coordinator If you’re like me, then you’ve struggled finding a workout routine that works. I have trouble sticking with one specific thing, because I so easily get bored. I’ve tried yoga, pilates, weight lifting, running, walking – I’ve done it ALL! But none of it was anything I particularly enjoyed doing. However, there wasRead More

Didn’t See That Coming: First-Year Expectations vs. Reality

Didn’t See That Coming: First-Year Expectations vs. Reality

Op-Ed October 12, 2022 at 8:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Jessica Albright | Staff Writer With movies like Pitch Perfect and Monsters University, the college experience oftentimes appears to be a grand and lively time for young adults. Although this may be true for some, many people find that college is quite a different experience than they expected. From dining hall food to the social life, the first monthRead More

Amazon and Tolkien’s Vision: The Case Against “The Rings of Power”

Amazon and Tolkien’s Vision: The Case Against “The Rings of Power”

Op-Ed, Uncategorized October 12, 2022 at 8:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Jane Benz | Staff Writer Is the art of film in decline? Can endings no longer be endings? Can a work of art be great without being done violence? Resurrected endlessly for profit until it is no longer great? Do we need a new Lord of the Rings saga? And by Amazon, no less? Our relationship with the mediaRead More

Op-Ed: The Heap Problem and How One Philosophical Dilemma has Created Nearly All of America’s Political Division

Op-Ed: The Heap Problem and How One Philosophical Dilemma has Created Nearly All of America’s Political Division

Op-Ed September 29, 2022 at 2:41 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Thomas Langan | Staff Writer Imagine yourself standing in front of a clean table. Sitting on the table is a small bucket of dry sand. You take the bucket and pour it out onto the table. Setting aside the bucket, you examine your handiwork. Instead of a bucket, you have created a heap of sand. If we can agreeRead More