Study Abroad

Study Abroad: Service Learning in Cusco, Peru

Study Abroad: Service Learning in Cusco, Peru

Study Abroad May 8, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

by Emma Buckley | Contributor Studying abroad has always been something I’ve dreamed of doing. Yes, cliche I know, because many college students share this same thought. But, when I started actually looking into it, I was overwhelmed with all of the possibilities, different countries, geography, languages, and programs. I somehow had to narrow it down. When I started to thinkRead More

Top 10 Study Abroad Travel Tips

Top 10 Study Abroad Travel Tips

Lifestyle, Op-Ed, Study Abroad, Travel April 10, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Claire Latsko | Associate Editor and Tia Lombard | Contributing Writer While studying abroad, you definitely will be traveling a lot. Sometimes figuring out a flight, train, hostel, and activities can be stressful, but we want to make sure you have an easy time planning to ensure that you have the best trip possible! 1. Buddy system After recent events, thisRead More

The Ups and Downs of Travel in Chile

The Ups and Downs of Travel in Chile

International, Study Abroad, Travel March 24, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Hannah Lussier | Associate Editor Before I left my cozy hometown in Western Massachusetts to travel to Viña del Mar in Central Chile, I was congratulated by many a friend and family member for my “brave” choice to study abroad in Latin America. Many times I questioned the reason for that word: brave. I wondered whether or not theRead More

Four Alternative Spots for Art Lovers in Berlin

Four Alternative Spots for Art Lovers in Berlin

Study Abroad, Travel March 13, 2017 at 8:53 pm Comments are Disabled

By Jessi McNeill | Contributor  Any time I visit a new city, the first thing I do is go to Google and search for nearby art museums. As a fan of art, I find it imperative to explore the best art that city has to offer. While art museums are always a great way to get acquainted with a city, sometimesRead More

Pub Confessions: I Love Mullies

Pub Confessions: I Love Mullies

Study Abroad, Travel March 13, 2017 at 8:39 pm Comments are Disabled

By Claire Latsko | Associate Editor  In the month and a half I have spent abroad in Oxford, I have encountered beautiful architecture, artwork, accents, and food. None of those things compare, though, to what I think is an amazing discovery and my new favorite drink in the entire world: mulled wine. If you have never heard of mulled wine, thenRead More