
Photo Credit: www.revolvingdoorri.com

Restaurant Review: The Revolving Door

Uncategorized June 9, 2014 at 6:56 am Comments are Disabled

By Ciara Speller | Broadcasting Editor   At the corner of mouthwatering and succulent lies The Revolving Door Restaurant. This fine establishment located 509 Thames Street, just minutes from campus has a unique story to go along with its unique name. As my dinning partners and I were seated at our three person table, decorated with luminescent tea lights andRead More

Instant Streaming Over Instant Studying?

Instant Streaming Over Instant Studying?

Uncategorized June 9, 2014 at 5:55 am Comments are Disabled

By Katie Persechino | Staff Writer Instant streaming over instant studying? It’s safe to say that if Netflix watching were a major, almost half of college kids would be experts and graduating early. Recently, The New York Times published an article that focused on Netflix and its growing success, with over 30 million subscribers, and anticipating more during the firstRead More

Alice Liddell, Lewis Carroll's muse and inspiration for Alice in Wonderland, in a photograph by Cameron

Art Review: Julia Margaret Cameron at The Met

Uncategorized June 9, 2014 at 4:55 am Comments are Disabled

By Lauren Kane | Co-Editor-in-Chief – The Metropolitan Museum of art was teeming with people, New Yorkers coming by for their weekly grazing on the greats, or scholars hunkering down to spend all day ensconced in Roman sculpture, tourists filing towards Van Gogh’s self-portrait. The Metropolitan Museum is a universe in and of itself, and the energy only increases onRead More

But First, Let Me Take A Selfie

Uncategorized June 5, 2014 at 1:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Cassidy Rota | Staff Writer Whether they are seen as promoting self-confidence or serving as a reflection of self-absorption, a “selfie,” is much more than a silly slang word. Recently, the anchors of The Today Show on NBC have been promoting a more positive outlook on body image, focusing specifically on the concept of selfies. In their campaign called,Read More

Salve Business Department “Gets Down to Business”

Salve Business Department “Gets Down to Business”

Lifestyle, Uncategorized April 28, 2014 at 1:09 pm Comments are Disabled

By Mia Lupo | Fashion and Lifestyles C0-Editor Salve Regina University business majors modeled the latest business casual styles from Talbot’s on the McAuley lawn. Ladies modeled clothing from Talbots, located on the corner of Bellevue Ave. and Memorial Blvd., and men modeled Top Man apparel, which is available at the New England Harbour Club. The photo shoot was part of “GettingRead More