
ABCs Hot, Hot, Hot

Uncategorized October 29, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Monday nights on ABC are sizzlin’ hot! Watching some of the best professional ballroom dancers get down and dirty with spunky stars from the biz is enough to get viewers dancing out of their seats as they tune into season seven of “Dancing with the Stars” live.

Have you ever asked someone this question…”May I Kiss You?”

Have you ever asked someone this question…”May I Kiss You?”

Uncategorized October 29, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

We have all experienced that nervous anxious feeling as you approach your door at the end of a good date, palms sweating, wondering if you’ll receive the elusive good night kiss or if you should attempt to make a ‘seal the deal’ trying your hardest to read your date’s mind.

Skate for Joy

Uncategorized October 29, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

It’s day one. Feet are sized, skates are assigned, and skates are secured. Helmets are fastened as little ones are hobbling their way to the ice rink. “I think I’m going to break both ankles,” says the four -year old who is petrified of the ice. The children whose ages range from four to 12 begin to tap their little skates on the ice to make sure it’s safe.

How to Avoid the ‘Freshman 15’

Uncategorized October 8, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Many incoming freshmen will hear the warning over and over again: “Watch what you eat-you don’t want to put on the freshman 15,” before entering their first year of college. Whether it comes from their parents, grandparents, or a friend, everyone knows that it is very likely for a student to gain a few pounds when going away to college.

Samantha Iadarola

Uncategorized October 8, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Fresh out of high school and trying to make it big at college, Samantha Iadarola from North Haven, Conn. is always down for having a good time with friends, be it watching her favorite movie “Finding Nemo” or going out for sushi, her favorite delicious doing.