
To Dorm, or not to Dorm?

Uncategorized September 17, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

As their second year at college begins, many sophomores at Salve are currently browsing off-campus rentals for their junior year. Meanwhile, others are still debating whether to live on or off campus. Due to limited on-campus housing, most seniors and juniors opt to live off campus in seasonal rentals throughout Newport and Middletown, which can end up being less expensive than the cost of on-campus housing.

Living off campus: with freedom comes responsibility

Uncategorized September 17, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

I remember thinking as a sophomore at Salve that I wanted nothing more than to reside off campus and to live like a “real” adult. Sure, freshman year in the dorms was fun and exciting and unlike anything I had ever experienced thus far in my 19 years of life, but by the second year of dorm life. it was time for a change.

How to Manage Your Stress This Semester

Uncategorized September 17, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Every college student has been there: Sunday night at the computer, frantically typing, hoping your teacher won’t be able to tell you cross referenced your “book” sources from the “look inside” feature on Amazon.com. Of course the paper is not your only worry.

Your Sports Memorabilia: Autographs, Photos and Pinball Machines

Uncategorized September 17, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Among the tourist destinations, clothing, and fudge shops in Newport, R.I. lies a hidden treasure, Your Sports Memorabilia located at 170 Thames Street. Nestled amid the boat painting galleries, bars and restaurants, Your Sports Memorabilia carries one of a kind merchandise for the American sports fan.

Spotlight on Alumni:

Uncategorized September 17, 2008 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

What does the Salve Regina Mission mean to you? To Ellen Schillace, (’71) the mission is her life’s work. Schillace, a realtor in St. Paul, Minn. is living the mission statement. She uses a background in social work and realty, her artistic abilities, and her experiences at Salve to give back to her community.