
Female President of Harvard Breaches Gender ‘Roles’

Uncategorized April 2, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Four women are now presidents of Ivy League universities, yet there are still pop princesses who insist on flashing the world and others who claim women are less capable of succeeding in math and science.

The recent selection of Drew Gilpin Faust as the first female present of Harvard University suggests that women today are asserting in business and education.

Where Has Dylan Gone?

Uncategorized April 2, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

“They want my treasure so they get their pleasures from my photo/You could see you, you can’t squeeze me/I ain’t easy, I ain’t sleazy/I got reasons why I tease ’em/Boys just come and go like seasons.” These words, from pop artist Fergie, are among those on the lips of today’s youth and constantly streaming through the radio; words of frivolity are reflecting a lifestyle of ease, but what about the lifestyles of those serving our country? The number of deaths that resulted from the senseless violence in Vietnam is 58,148, according to a History Channel affiliated website, and according to a liberal politics website, as of March 1 of this year 3,205 American soldiers have been killed and 24,042 have been seriously wounded in the War on Iraq.

Money Is the Game In the Business of Music

Uncategorized April 2, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

I still remember the date. March 11, 2001. This was the day I saw one of my favorite bands, The Calling, live in concert. I was so excited to see them, especially their guitarist Sean Woolstenhulme, who I sort of had a crush on (and today, still admire just as a musician, I swear).

Human Trafficking Hits Home

Human Trafficking Hits Home

Uncategorized April 2, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

You have to be home every night by 10 p.m. and can only use the phone for 10 minutes a night. These are examples of the real life circumstances South Asian American women find themselves in. Melindah Sharma and Carol Gomez, founders of the Boston-based Trafficking Victims Outreach & Services Network, spoke at the Pell Center recently on the issues of immigrant exploitation, trafficking, and domestic abuse that affect society today.

To Hell and Back

Uncategorized April 2, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

White Sands Missile Range, N.M. – During World War II, 75,000 American and Philippine troops were captured by Japanese soldiers in 1942 on the peninsula of Bataan in the Philippines. After three months of continuous fighting without food, medicine, or ammunition resupply, the Japanese soldiers forcibly took the allied troops over against their will.