Mixed Media Method
Call me cynical, but lately, I’ve noticed the world I so readily pay allegiance to shift among the threshold of fear under the oddest of circumstances.
Call me cynical, but lately, I’ve noticed the world I so readily pay allegiance to shift among the threshold of fear under the oddest of circumstances.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem.”
If you have listened to sports talk radio or turned on ESPN over the past month, you have most certainly heard that for the first time in history, two African-American coaches played against each other in a Super Bowl.Somebody once said, that “the ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but hold hands.” This quote embodies the exact distinction of being in love, and being in lust. When you are in love, you stare soulfully into another person’s eyes while your heart skips the last six beats within your chest.
The World Series is over, the basketball season is getting underway and football is approaching crunch time in anticipation for the Superbowl. College football is where the action is at right now. As Christmas break approaches so do the NCAA College Bowl games.
Imagine the most phenomenal dancer you have ever seen perform. Multiply that one master of movement by 32 and you have the ensemble cast of Twyla Tharp and Billy Joel’s Movin’ Out. It is a show that cannot be explained by words from the English language, for there aren’t words expressive or deserving enough of the quality of show seen by an enthusiastic crowd at the Providence Performing Arts Center Wednesday, November 29th at 7:30 p.