
Low Key Super Bowl XL for Salve Students

Low Key Super Bowl XL for Salve Students

Uncategorized February 2, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Salve football fans gear up for an uneventful Super Bowl Sunday. As the Seattle Seahawks make their first ever Super Bowl appearance, junior Dave Gilman waits in anticipation. Gilman, originally from Westbrook, Maine has his heart set on the Seahawks winning the big game.

BOSS-Best of Salve Students Exhibit Gets Underway for Feb. Exhibit

BOSS-Best of Salve Students Exhibit Gets Underway for Feb. Exhibit

Uncategorized February 2, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Whether you’re interested in art or not, it doesn’t take an expert to realize some of the amazing talent that is showcased each year in Salve’s annual BOSS (Best Of Salve Students) exhibit.

According to Gerry Perrino, Assistant Professor of Art, this is an event that has been going on for more than 10 years and will get underway once again beginning Wednesday February 1st through Sunday February 12th in the University Gallery.

For Salve Students, Super Bowl Sunday means “heartburn galore”

Uncategorized February 2, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Super Bowl time is right around the corner and with that comes the time for excessive snacking. According to USA Today, Super Bowl watchers will consume 30 million pounds of junk food on Super Bowl Sunday.

Salve students asked about their snacking habits during the Feb.

Salve Students begin SAAC to support athletes

Salve Students begin SAAC to support athletes

Uncategorized February 2, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Is it possible to receive healthier snacks after our games? Why do some teams receive coach buses to travel to game sites and some receive Salve vans? How am I supposed to make my class schedule around my practices and games when the only classes left are during my practices?

These are all questions asked on a regular basis by the student-athletes who are looking for answers in order to improve their athletic program.

Mothers Know Best

Mothers Know Best

Uncategorized February 2, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

It was February, 1990. The Massachusetts air was cold and signaled winter. It began as what seemed like a normal Sunday evening for Rhona Held.

She was in the kitchen preparing dinner for her husband and two kids when she was suddenly interrupted. It was a phone call.