
Media credit: Brittany Lauro

Light Night at Ochre Court

Uncategorized December 6, 2012 at 2:38 am Comments are Disabled

 By: Ciara Speller; Mosaic Broadcast Editor, On November 28, 2012 at 7p.m. in Ochre Court, songs, dances and prayers for peace were delivered during Salve Regina’s annual Festival of Lights. The Ochre Court Ballroom was finely decorated with Christmas trees and lights as well as ornaments and candles alike.  To help everyone enjoy the start of the Christmas season, thereRead More

Media credit: Brittany Lauro

Finals Apocalypse: How to Survive

Uncategorized December 6, 2012 at 2:30 am Comments are Disabled

By: Brittany Lauro; Mosaic Editor-in-Chief Before you start stockpiling canned goods in the basement of Miley or constructing an underground bunker equipped with ventilated gas masks, try to remember: finals are much easier than they seem. Here are some helpful tips on how to stay focused and unfrazzled. Exercise Gives You Endorphins… …Endorphins make you happy, happy people just don’tRead More

Miley Renovations- What’s in Store?

Miley Renovations- What’s in Store?

Uncategorized December 5, 2012 at 8:58 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Samantha Wood; Mosaic Staff Writer The scaffolding and construction equipment parked outside of Miley Hall say it all… renovation of the cafeteria has begun, but students won’t be able to enjoy it until August 2013. According to the website devoted to the project, the groundbreaking took place Monday, Nov. 12. Student activity and use of the cafeteria, the bookstore,Read More

Media credit: MCT Campus

“Professors Have Lives Too?”- How They Plan to Spend Christmas Break

Features, Uncategorized December 5, 2012 at 8:27 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Lindsay LaChapelle; Mosaic Staff Writer, With winter break quickly approaching, anticipation for the end of the semester is building, but it’s not only the students who are anxiously awaiting the vacation.   The Salve professors are just as eager to put aside their studies and relax.  Many plan on filling their time with books, movies, and TV. Dr. Daniel Cowdin.Read More

Salve Community Opens Door of Acceptance

Salve Community Opens Door of Acceptance

Uncategorized November 17, 2012 at 4:05 pm Comments are Disabled

By Albert Vuoso; Mosaic Staff Writer– Members of the Salve Regina community showed their support for students of alternative lifestyles by participating in the Alliance Club’s second annual “Door of Acceptance” on November 5. Nearly 180 students and staff walked through the red painted door in the lobby of O’Hare.  In doing so, they pledged to support the different relationshipsRead More