
As Temperatures Rise, So Do Gas Prices

As Temperatures Rise, So Do Gas Prices

Uncategorized April 20, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Imagine that it’s sunny outside. You and your friends decide to take a day trip, away from tests, finals, and stress. As you hop into your SUV, your gas gauge reveals that you’re running on empty, and so you quickly drive down to your local gas station, only to find gas prices way above $2.

Atlanta Bread Company Offers Good Food, Quick Service and Reasonable Prices

Uncategorized April 20, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The company that began as a small sandwich caf

From a College House to the Viking Hotel: Party Planning at Its Best

Uncategorized April 20, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Whether it is a birthday, a graduation, a wedding, or a shower, spring is the perfect time for a party.

For a spring event, people often take it upon themselves to plan a party. Ideas fly around and nearly everyone has their own opinions.

It may seem like a breeze at first, yet once it comes down to only a few days before the celebration, it is chaos not calmness that permeates the air.

Tradition, Orthodoxy Will Likely be Hallmarks of Pontificate

Tradition, Orthodoxy Will Likely be Hallmarks of Pontificate

Uncategorized April 20, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

VATICAN CITY- In electing the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as the new pope, the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church have chosen not only one of the most theologically conservative among their ranks, but also a brilliant German-born theologian whose worldview was shaped by Europe- and remains focused there.

thefacebook.com Serves as Salve’s Alternative Yearbook

Uncategorized April 13, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Figuring out the meaning behind “poking” and agonizing over what to write on a friend’s “wall” have become new puzzles for many members of the Salve Regina University community in the past month.

These new terms are part of a jargon that was introduced when Salve was added to the network of colleges and universities on www.