
From Nigeria to Newport: Salve Welcomes a New Professor

From Nigeria to Newport: Salve Welcomes a New Professor

Uncategorized November 3, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

For one of the first classes that Nigerian-born Dr. Aje-Ori Agbese, assistant professor at Salve Regina University, ever taught at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, she decided to show up the first day in traditional dress.

She enjoyed seeing the reactions of students when they realized that they had a foreign professor.

It All Comes Down to a Bottle of Ketchup

Uncategorized November 3, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

It’s that time of the year. Thanks to the wonderful New England winter season, beautiful (and less beautiful) off-campus apartments are open to Salve students for a fraction of the cost from the summer and this year’s sophomores have begun to stake a claim in Newport’s playground.

Healing a Nation Divided: Win, Lose or Uncertain, We’ll Need Graciousness

Uncategorized November 3, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The following editorial appeared in the Dallas Morning News on Tuesday, Nov. 2:


There’s more than a reasonable chance that Americans will awaken Wednesday not knowing for sure the winner of the presidential race. That’s what the polls say, and why legions of lawyers are poised to dash into court.

Flu Vaccine Shortage Affects Salve

Uncategorized October 27, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

There is a shortage of flu vaccines this year and it’s causing uproar across the country. Many states are scrambling to find the necessary shots to immunize as many people as possible, especially those at high risk for catching the flu like the elderly, people with diabetes, chronic lung disease, and those with depressed immune systems.

Letter to the Editor: The Moral Responsibility of Voting

Uncategorized October 27, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Can I be a good Christian and still vote my conscience in November’s election? Of course you can. However, perhaps the first question we must ask “what does it mean to be a good Christian?”

Good Christians have a well informed conscience. So they must be first willing to learn about the issues, not just from personal opinion or choice, but also with respect to the teaching of the church to which they say they belong.