
Over 60 students staying at Salve this summer

Over 60 students staying at Salve this summer

Uncategorized May 6, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Living on campus in the summer is both a job and a vacation for the students who get the opportunity to spend the summer at Salve Regina University.

Behind the scenes of Thames St Glass

Uncategorized May 6, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Head Glassblower Matthew Buechner is in his element. Carefully but surely, his hands expertly twist, pull and craft the glass as he speaks, rarely looking down while he creates vase after vase perfectly. To Buechner, who has been blowing glass for 30 years, crafting glass comes naturally.

University offices prepare for Commencement

Uncategorized May 6, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Salve Regina University’s Commencement events may only take one weekend to complete, but that one weekend is a year in the making for the many campus offices that must plan these events year after year.

Late night with the staff of Ma’s Donuts

Uncategorized May 6, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Rezendez points to several red scars on his forearm and explains that the most difficult part of his job as a donut baker is getting burned night after night.

Mosaic Online is preparing for the summer hiatus

Mosaic Online is preparing for the summer hiatus

Uncategorized May 4, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

During this week of finals, the Mosaic Online is making plans for summer break. But not to worry, there will be one last full edition this Friday, May 7, featuring articles about graduation and summer vacation.