
Job Market for 2004 Graduates Looks Bleak

Uncategorized November 5, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Stephanie Dupuis always had a love for teaching. At the age of 5, she began instructing her younger sister by playing school.

“That’s why she’s so smart!” Dupuis exclaimed with a smile. “I made her write essays when she was in 2nd grade!”

When deciding on a college and a career path, family and friends persuaded her to fulfill her dream.

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!

Uncategorized November 5, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Coffee is the college student’s staple in getting motivated in the morning. Instead of going to the nearest Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts, try one of these local Newport coffee bars instead!.

Starting off in the middle of lower Thames, one can stop for coffee at Ocean Breeze Cafe, located in the Wellington Square.

New Student Seminar Promotes Awareness of Club Drugs

Uncategorized November 5, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Freshmen in the New Student Seminar classes attended a lecture on club drugs last month, which has been an important issue for college students.

A panel of speakers including Sgt. Russell Carlone, a 19-year veteran of the Newport Police Department; Sandra Langlais, a part-time professor of Administration of Justice at Salve and a community oriented police officer; and Jim Carlton, a member of CODAC, shared their views on the dangers of club drugs for college students.

The Candid Q&A with WSRU

The Candid Q&A with WSRU

Uncategorized November 5, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The radio booth in Wakehurst now sits empty, where there were once student DJs programming and resident fans calling in requests. The November Mosaic tackled what went wrong. Now meet those directors working to bring the campus station back into your room.

Security Blows The Whistle On Crime

Uncategorized November 5, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

One of the biggest concerns for parents sending their teenagers to college is the crime rate, both on and off campus. Nobody wants to send their child to a university where they are in danger when they walk down the road to their dormitory after dark. There is little to fear on the Salve campus, with an avid Department of Safety and Security ready for any sign of distress.