
Former Chilean President Speaks at Salve

Uncategorized October 8, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Sept. 29, 2009, Ricardo Lagos Escobar, former president of Chile, presented a lecture entitled “Today’s Latin American Challenges: What Lies Ahead after the Crisis?” as part of the Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy’s lecture series.

Brand New’s “Daisy” Shows Band’s Growth

Brand New’s “Daisy” Shows Band’s Growth

Uncategorized October 8, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Brand New’s latest release, “Daisy,” opens with some traditional piano, sweetly accompanied by a classic female voice singing along to the lyrics, “knowing when our last does fail, our compassion shall be met” in the opening track, “Vices.” Almost a minute and thirty seconds later, it’s interrupted by a wild guitar riff as lead singer, Jesse Lacey, begins to shout powerful, emotion-driven lyrics.

Salve Field Hockey Set Their Sights on Victory

Salve Field Hockey Set Their Sights on Victory

Uncategorized October 8, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Anyone who has stepped foot in the women’s locker room lately has noticed the decorative posters and cards that have been plastered to the lockers by Salve’s field hockey team, a group of young women whose spirit and determination just might be enough to take them all the way.

Light the Night Walk Raises Cancer Awareness

Light the Night Walk Raises Cancer Awareness

Uncategorized October 8, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Balloons were flickering across the Wakehurst lawn, grey skies were overhead and the air was muggy and heavy, as were the hearts of those who stood around. As young children ran across the lawn, carrying their balloons and shouting to brothers, sisters and friends, Kevin Bowen, spoke about his own personal battle with blood cancer.

Man of the Year Crowned in Bazarsky

Uncategorized October 8, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Standing in a line reaching the doors of O’Hare, I never expected so many people to be waiting to witness a pageant event. The time passed quickly as we were teased with glimpses of contestants scrambling “backstage” in frilly, barely-there outfits. Eventually, entrance was granted and the crowd rushed to claim decent seats.