
Not So Brainy Babies

Uncategorized May 10, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

If sitting your baby down in front of the TV and popping in a DVD of Baby Einstein to provide some educational entertainment while you tackle chores around the house seems too good to be true, it is.

Titles like Baby Einstein, Baby Galileo, Baby Shakespeare and even Brainy Baby with its original motto, “a little genius in the making,” lure unsuspecting parents to purchase these “educational enrichment” videos and substitute them for interactive playtime.

Twitter Adds to Social Networking Craze

Uncategorized April 22, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

What is Twitter you ask? It is the latest free social networking craze that has hit the web. If you have the urge to let your friends and strangers know what you are doing every minute of the hour, then Twitter is for you.

You are allowed to update or “Tweet” as much as you like from you computer.

Let Them Eat Cupcakes

Uncategorized April 22, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Two years ago, Congress passed a law regarding nutrition within school systems. Schools discouraged fried foods and soda in the cafeteria and low-fat and low-calorie snacks took the place of vending machine treats. These changes are a good way of influencing the students’ eating habits while at school, and perhaps warming them up to the idea of nutritious food.

Finals Week Survival Guide

Uncategorized April 22, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Take brief breaks when studying. Don’t sit at your desk for four hours straight staring at the same stuff. Your brain needs a break. Try a five minute break for every half hour of study.

Seek solitude when necessary. Your friends should understand if you need some alone time to finish up studying, after all they have finals too.

Plain White T’s Perform to Salve Students

Plain White T’s Perform to Salve Students

Uncategorized April 22, 2009 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Walking back to his tour bus, Dave Tirio apologized for not showering- the Boston Celtics/ Chicago Bulls game was on earlier in the day and preoccupied his time. Tirio, guitarist from Chicago-based band Plain White T’s, enthusiastically explained how the Bulls basically handed the Celtics the win, but Paul Pierce blew the game, giving the Chicago Bulls the first win in the playoff series.