By: Jandee Ferland
Posted In: Entertainment

Photo credit: SALVEtoday
A painting by artist Sam Ames, whose work is on display at the University’s gallery.
A fantastically rendered self portrait, a new depiction of Adam and Eve, and a collection of gruesomely strange, yet compelling pen and ink figures are a few of the items by featured artist Sam Ames that can be found at the new exhibit at the Salve Gallery in Mercy Hall.
The show reflects a range of subjects and mediums, which clearly depicts that Ames’ inspiration comes from many places. In his artist statement, Ames says, “I prefer to study masters of the Renaissance to modern art and do not hesitate to borrow from them.” This statement is evident as graphite renderings of the inside of his studio are placed next to portrait paintings and figures. Yet, despite the mix of the collection, all the subjects work together and still manage to provide unity for the show. The one thing that the pieces do have in common is the attention to detail and proportions. “Sam Ames has spent a lifetime pursuing mastery of figurative representation,” said Gerry Perrino, an assistant professor in Salve’s art department. “His efforts have paid off in an ability that is peerless.” Even in the complex renderings, every part seems important. Together, the variety of subjects and amazing accuracy, both help make the viewer want to take a closer look. The viewer attention is easily kept as focus moves from piece to piece. The connections are not simply given to the viewer. This show creates a place where the creative mind can really look at the details and try to figure out what it going on. Ames received his Bachelor of Arts from San Diego State University and his Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Ames is currently a professor of Art at Rhode Island College. The show will be on display until Dec. 4.