Earth Week 2017 at Salve

By Michelle Karparis | Associate Editor

There are many events occurring across campus this week in preparation for Earth Day, which falls on Saturday, April 22nd. These events are open to the entire campus and serve to raise awareness about environmental issues.

Protect Our Wildlife Panel Discussion, April 18th
The Protect Our Wildlife (POW) student organization will be hosting a discussion on the first floor of McKillop Library from 6-8 PM on Tuesday, April 18th. The student panel will lead a discussion on a segment of the film “Arise: Women Healing the Environment.” They will also be raffling off an Apple watch.

Busking Day, April 19th
Busking Day will feature musicians, poets, and actors performing at several locations across campus from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19th. Each location will feature information about a current environmental issue.

Campus Cleanup, April 19th
Students are invited to meet at the Mercy Center at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19th, to participate in cleaning up trash and recyclables that are littered across campus.

Film Screening: “Before the Flood,” April 20th
The film, “Before the Flood,” will be shown in O’Hare 260 at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 20th. The film follows Leonardo DiCaprio as he meets with scientists about climate issues. The Environmental Club will be hosting a “tap water challenge” before the screening to challenge participants to taste the difference between tap water and bottled water.

Earth Day Exhibitions, April 21st
An Earth Day exhibition will be held at the entrance of O’Hare from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Friday, April 21st. This exhibition will feature many clubs and organizations from both the Salve Regina and Newport communities displaying their work regarding environmental issues. Organizations present will include Empire Tea and Coffee, the Aquidneck Land Trust, McKillop Library, Environmental Club, Protect Our Wildlife Club, A Better Tomorrow Club, Student Government Association, Sodexo, Clean Ocean Access, Norman Bird Sanctuary, Hydroponics Lab, Save the Bay, the Arboretum Committee, GIFT club, and the Mercy Center for Spiritual Life. The exhibition will also include class presentations and music provided by WSRU.

Roundtable: “State of the Campus Environment,” April 21st
Hosted by the Pell Center, this discussion will be held in the Miley Hall executive dining room at 11:45 a.m. on Friday, April 21st. Dr. Chace will moderate the discussion and all students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend. The Pell Center will provide a free lunch. As space is limited, those interested in attending are asked to RSVP to

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