By: Lily Slovak | Staff Writer
Hello to all and welcome to the first edition of Fashion Fads, our first fashion column in the Mosaic! In this column, you will find the latest statements that I think are trending in the fashion world. Today’s fashion fad is the Adidas Gazelle sneaker. Adidas has made an ultimate comeback with their fun and colorful Gazelle sneakers. Famous pop stars and influencers brought these shoes back into the light, and now almost everyone has them.

I believe that pop star Harry Styles was the one to start this trend. During his successful Love On Tour, Styles had a different pair of gazelles each night he was on stage. Their fun and bright colors began to catch fans’ attention and before you knew it, the shoes were selling out on the Adidas website. As the demand continued to rise, Adidas decided to collaborate with famous brands like Gucci and Whalebone, introducing even more designs for the shoes. Obviously these shoes were much more expensive than the original gazelles, but that didn’t stop people from buying them. Personally, I am holding myself back from buying the cheetah print Whalebone x Adidas Gazelles.

Do me a favor: take a second when you are walking to class or going downtown and look at how many gazelles you see. And if you haven’t heard of the shoe, do me another favor and go to the Adidas website and give them a look. You won’t be disappointed.
Photos from WikiCommons.