By: Brianna Carter
Posted In: Opinion

Photo credit: Brianna Carter
Tara Ciccketti, Brianna Carter, and Julie Laconte in Seville.
Early wake up call. Airplane. Family. Friends. Tears. Good-bye. Unknown
faces. Wonder. Welcome to Seville. It’s the beginning of a new semester…but this one is like no other. I am studying abroad in Seville, Spain. I have been preparing for months, but I didn’t realize how much preparation I would really need. Living in an environment where everything is foreign is hard, but you must try to make the most of it. Adjusting to the lifestyle in Seville is a bit of a challenge, but I am starting to get used to it. The first weekend was all about orientation and moving into our new homes. Everyone participating in the study abroad program arrived in Seville on Thursday, Sept. 1, and the next day we took a trip to El Monasterio de La Rábida and La Playa de Mazag