By: Danielle Cort
Posted In: News

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Ugandan women utilize their resources to make a profound difference in their lives.
In light of the holiday season, Salve’s Social Work Club (with help from the Sociology/Anthropology and Psychology Clubs), will sponsor BeadforLife, an organization that eradicates extreme poverty, fulfilling a sense of hope that is often lost in today’s world.
BeadforLife, whose organization has been featured in popular media circuits such as “O” Magazine, Vanity Fair and Family Circle, has tugged at the heartstrings of millions, creating an international sensation that is rather difficult to ignore. Many Ugandan women, known as “the Beaders,” have taken the initiative to rise above poverty and create a sustainable mode of living for their families. By turning recycled paper into beads, these women have earned enough money to pay for simple, everyday needs that too many take for granted. The beads ultimately become income, food, medicine and school fees. In hopes to educate North Americans to participate in the fight against poverty, BeadforLife has focused on four “pillars” of community development that are essential to survival: Health, Vocational Training and Education, Sustainable Life Skills and Affordable Housing. For Ugandan women, these developments are monumental. In support of BeadforLife, Salve is hosting its own event, in which all proceeds will make their way back to the women of Uganda – a small miracle that truly makes a significant difference. On Monday, December 10th in Miley Hall and Tuesday, December 11th in O’Hare, Salve students will be selling BeadforLife products – jewelry, handbags, CD’s – and prices will range from $5-$30. The event will take place on both days from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with a video that shows the women of Uganda telling their stories. As of now, payment is Cash Only, though personal checks may be accepted. This event is an opportunity to give back to the people of the world who give so much. The ability to afford one more meal, one more doctor’s visit or a roof over a family’s head is nothing compared to the sense of gratitude that the women of Uganda have for all those who support their cause. So make a difference this holiday season. And buy a gift with meaning. For more information, contact Kristianna Fontes at