By: Brianne Shamburger
Posted In: News

Photo credit: Brianne Shamburger
Rodney Gomes, a local mechanic, thinks that those buying a used car should be concerned with maintenance.
A 2002 Volkswagon Jetta, fully loaded: $12,780. A 2004 Ford Escape, fully loaded: $18,500. The freedom of having a car at college: priceless. College is a time for young adults to experience the world without the supervision of their parents. Having a car allows them the freedom to explore the world. But, there is a lot of information when it comes to buying a car. There are also a lot of choices, new or used, manual or automatic, two-door or four-door. Experts offer tips to help.
Do Some Research Reed DeHorsey, owner of Aquidneck Motors, suggests that people decide on a budget, how much they can afford to pay for the actual car and the maintenance. Checking Consumer Reports is also a good idea, according to DeHorsey. It’s also good to talk to someone with experience in buying cars. Larry Kestler, the transportation coordinator for Salve Regina, offers his words of wisdom. He suggested that people check the Blue Book value of a car before purchasing it. It is very simple, just go to Google and type in Kelley Blue Book. Or, cut out the middle man and go straight to Car buyers should also think about models they have had experience with in the past, like the cars their parents or relatives have owned. Get the Car Inspected It’s very important to have the car inspected to make sure it’s safe. DeHorsey believes that before purchasing a car, it should always be inspected, and “never take someone’s word on a car.” He continued to say that it is especially important to have a car checked when working within a private sale. He suggests bringing the car to a professional mechanic and having a full safety check done. This includes tires, brakes, suspension, engine, and transmission among other things. “I can’t tell you how many times someone bought a car because it was shiny and had a new radio, but it’s a mess,” DeHorsey said. Start Looking For a new car buyer, the best idea is to buy from a dealership. Dealerships are bound by federal laws designed to protect car buyers. According to, there is certain information that the dealership is required to release. For example, when leasing a car, a dealership is required to release “the amount due at closing.” They are also required to release “the number, amount and due dates of your monthly payments.” Kestler suggests checking the mileage of the car and the electronics such as light and windshield wipers and its blades. Also, the cleanliness is important. “My father always told me that if someone keeps their car clean and neat, they usually take care of it, Kestler said “If someone has a messy car, they may not be as good at the maintenance.” He also suggests that a car should be inspected before purchasing it. It is important to find out if a car has been in an accident before. Another suggestion is to ask for the maintenance records. If the car is being sold privately, consumers should ask why it is being sold. It is also important to take the car for a test ride, whether buying from a private dealer or a dealership. If the car is due for an inspection, it would be wise to ask the dealer if he/she would take the car to be inspected. If a car passes inspection, that is normally a good indicator that the car is well taken care of. Rodney Gomes, a local mechanic, said that when buying a car the biggest thing to consider is the maintenance of the car. And Gomes agrees that having everything checked by a mechanic is a must. Also, make sure that it passes inspection. Make Sure to Cross T’s and Dot I’s! Buying a car is a much larger task than most people expect. It requires being able to finance a car, buy insurance, and sustain enough money to maintain the car. For a college student these simple responsibilities are more difficult. People are constantly using poor as an adjective for college student. That’s why it’s important for students to make sure they have the means and the support to own a car. Even the little fees for registration and license plates seem to add up, not to mention the cost of speeding tickets and small dents and dings inflicted on the car. In the state of Rhode Island registration fees cost about $10. According to Geico, insurance could cost up to $300, depending on the buyers driving record. Speeding tickets are expensive too. Depending on how fast the driver is going, the ticket can cost up to $350 Having a car is a very big responsibility, but that shouldn’t stop anyone from having fun. And, let’s be honest, cruising with friends is a favorite past time of many college students.