By: Kate Howard
Posted In: Opinion

Photo credit: Erica Johnson
Have you seen it?
If you’ve been to the computer labs, you may have noticed the blanketing of the sleek black Dells with multi-colored post-it notes, enticing you to visit this site. Why? Because we like you! My apologies for the corny reference, but many of the hours today that I’m not generally awake were spent inventing just that kind of corny attention-getter. Co-editor Erica Johnson and I crept quietly through the labs, arousing much suspicion and receiving many sidelong glances, even unwittingly offending a faculty member, to bring you to this place where we and the other editors and writers toil weekly. Sorry, Dr. Keenan. And no, we don’t get paid for this. We invite and encourage you to look around this place, because it is your place. Your school, your paper, and your voice. We have message boards, so feel free to respond if you like. When you have news, tell us about it, and you just might see your own name here. Good luck on your finals next week, and visit us often, because that’s why we’re here. Inform yourself!