Other News

Earth Week 2016 at Salve

Earth Week 2016 at Salve

Campus April 11, 2016 at 2:25 pm Comments are Disabled

By Marrissa Ballard | Managing Editor As this year’s Earth Day approaches, several students and organizations are preparing events to foster awareness of environmental issues. In particular, Salve’s Environmental Club and Student Government Association have been working hard to organize activities not only on Earth Day but also during the week prior. On Wednesday, April 20th, there will be aRead More

The RA Profiles: Patricia Socarras

The RA Profiles: Patricia Socarras

Campus April 11, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Marrissa Ballard | Managing Editor Picture a small agenda, much like the one that most college students use to organize their schedules. Now imagine the blocks and lines in that little notebook filling up with homework assignments, papers, and readings. Then add on top of that countless meetings ranging from clubs and check-ins with faculty to work study andRead More

Club Profile: Seahawk Down

Club Profile: Seahawk Down

Campus April 11, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Michelle Karparis | Staff Writer Do you have a sense of humor? Are you quick on your feet? Have you ever thought about giving the acting life a try? If any of these apply to you, then Seahawk Down is the club for you. Seahawk Down, formerly a part of Stagefright, is Salve’s very own improv club. You mayRead More

A Healthy, Local Winter Thanks to Aquidneck

A Healthy, Local Winter Thanks to Aquidneck

Off Campus April 11, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Catherine Cunningham | Contributing Writer There’s nothing like watching the seasons change from a cold, dark winter to a bright, flowery spring. Although, during the wintertime we tend to loose sight of the flourishing nutrients that surround us. Luckily, the Aquidneck Growers’ Market provides just the right amount of local nutrients provided by vendors all over Rhode Island. TheRead More

SRU Dance Presents Its Spring 2016 Performance

SRU Dance Presents Its Spring 2016 Performance

Activities, Campus April 11, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: April 7, 2016 Elysa Schuhmacher 631.766.4545 srudancepr@gmail.com Newport, RI, April 7, 2016 Salve Regina University’s student-run dance organization, the SRU Dance Club, will be presenting its spring performance, “Move”, on April 15th and 16th in the Rodgers Recreation Center. This spring show will feature 24 dances with styles varying from Hip Hop, Jazz, Tap, Contemporary andRead More