Other News

Op-Ed: Why it shouldn’t offend anyone that Beyoncé got hot sauce in her bag (swag)

Op-Ed: Why it shouldn’t offend anyone that Beyoncé got hot sauce in her bag (swag)

Arts and Entertainment, Check It Out, Nation, Op-Ed February 15, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Beyoncé’s politically charged music video for new single “Formation” and subsequent SuperBowl performance have caused controversy in the media; however, is there any validity to the claims that Beyoncé shouldn’t being using the stage to make a statement?

The RA Profiles: Alex DiMauro Edition

The RA Profiles: Alex DiMauro Edition

Campus February 1, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Michelle Karparis | Staff Writer In case you needed another example of why Salve’s RAs are the best in the business, here’s second year RA, Alex DiMauro. If you’re not sure if you’ve seen him around, you have. You might know him as Captain Jack Sparrow, the guy with the perpetually unmatching outfits and YikYak socks, or maybe you’veRead More

#OscarsSoWhite and the Hollywood Diversity Issue

#OscarsSoWhite and the Hollywood Diversity Issue

Arts and Entertainment, Features February 1, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The Hollywood community and spectators around the world have spoken out against the Academy and its award show nominations. Is there really a problem, and if so, is there a solution?

As the Trigger Warning Debate Heats Up, Salve Remains Torn

As the Trigger Warning Debate Heats Up, Salve Remains Torn

Campus January 31, 2016 at 11:59 am Comments are Disabled

By Stephanie Menders | Staff Writer A fluorescent green screen that reads, “Rated R, for sexual content and excessive violence,” appears preceding the start of a film, warning viewers that the content they are about to see might be upsetting or offensive. Audiences accept these warnings without a second thought. But what happens when those warnings are given in a collegeRead More

Salve Pays Tribute to Stephen Costello

Salve Pays Tribute to Stephen Costello

Campus January 31, 2016 at 11:59 am Comments are Disabled

By Marrissa Ballard | Managing Editor Salve student Stephen Costello passed away on Wednesday, January 20th after fighting an illness. The Salve community was notified via mass email. The email also asked for prayers for the Costello family and gave information about future services. The announcement came just days after students had come back from break to start the new semester. ARead More