Other News

Senator Spotlight Honors Edward Cullinane and Katherine Gillespie

Senator Spotlight Honors Edward Cullinane and Katherine Gillespie

Campus December 1, 2015 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Marrissa Ballard | Managing Editor Before Thanksgiving break, the Student Government Association met to select the senator who would be honored as the next ‘Senator Spotlight.’ However, they decided to honor two members this time: Edward Cullinane and Katherine Gillespie. Cullinane, a freshman History and Secondary Education double major, says he was honored to receive the Spotlight as heRead More

Voices in Harmony Concert Gives Tribute to Paris Attack Victims

Voices in Harmony Concert Gives Tribute to Paris Attack Victims

Arts and Entertainment November 30, 2015 at 12:27 am Comments are Disabled

The Salve Regina University chorus teamed up with the Bryant University chorus in a performance at Ochre Court Saturday, November 14th. The concert featured both universities’ choruses, a Capella groups, and audition choruses. The show opened with a slight change in their original program in light of the recent terror attack on Paris, France. “I knew that I wanted toRead More

The RA Profiles: Kyle McGuire Edition

The RA Profiles: Kyle McGuire Edition

Campus November 30, 2015 at 12:23 am Comments are Disabled

The RA community at Salve is made up of some of the most diverse and dedicated students that we have to offer. They embody the very definition of Salve Regina University, which, to students, means being involved in so many clubs and activities that it would be easier to name the things they are not a part of. Enter: KyleRead More

Letter to Mosaic Regarding Andy’s Resignation

Letter to Mosaic Regarding Andy’s Resignation

Campus November 29, 2015 at 11:16 pm Comments are Disabled

***The opinions and views in this article are of the authors own volition and do not necessarily reflect those of the Mosaic student newspaper.***   TO: MOSAIC NEWSPAPER FROM: SENATOR CONNOR SULLIVAN SUBJECT: ANDY CIRIOLI III RESIGNATION DATE: NOVEMBER 19, 2015 First, let me start this letter by acknowledging that this statement is not representative of the Student Government AssociationRead More

Salve Regina’s 2nd Annual Relay for Life

Salve Regina’s 2nd Annual Relay for Life

Campus, Check It Out November 9, 2015 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Blanca Guzman | Staff Writer