Other News

Ajax uses ancient story to spark conversation on returning veterans

Ajax uses ancient story to spark conversation on returning veterans

Arts and Entertainment November 17, 2014 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Mark Benedetti | Staff Writer Ajax: A story of depression, post-traumatic stress, honor, and the trials and tribulations of a man, and his family, upon returning home after going to war. This classic story is just as applicable then as it is now, with over 118,000 cases of PTSD among deployed veterans between 2001 and 2014 (according to theRead More

Interstellar: seeing more than just stars in the night sky

Interstellar: seeing more than just stars in the night sky

Arts and Entertainment November 17, 2014 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Kristin Wilinkiewicz | Co-Editor-in-Chief In short, Interstellar was an incredible film grounded in mind-bending scientific ideas, but is surprisingly easy to process and fiercely human at its core. In fact, it’s such an amazing experience, you overlook a lot of the issues the movie has, and enjoy it for what it is; a feast for both your mind andRead More

Dance Marathon 2015 is Kicking Off

Dance Marathon 2015 is Kicking Off

Activities, Campus, Features November 17, 2014 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

[wzslider transition=”‘slide’”] By Marrissa Ballard | Staff Writer Each year Salve hosts a Dance Marathon to benefit children at Hasbro Hospital. This year’s Dance Marathon will occur in March, but students are already getting excited. The event consists of 18 hours of dancing and activity, from 6 pm to noon the next day. This year it will take place Saturday, MarchRead More

SGA Update

SGA Update

Campus, Features November 17, 2014 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Marrissa Ballard | Staff Writer  This year the Student Government Association has been working on many projects. From dinning services to safety and security, SGA has a lot on their agenda. Salve’s SGA is currently very large, including 19 senators. A new position, the Chief Justice, has also been instituted. SGA has also received a new advisor named Jennifer Jensen,Read More

Keeping the Light On: A Q&A With Rose Island’s Lighthouse Keeper

Keeping the Light On: A Q&A With Rose Island’s Lighthouse Keeper

Features, Newport, Off Campus, Travel November 16, 2014 at 11:59 pm Comments are Disabled

    By Kristin Wilinkiewicz | Co-Editor-in-Chief Cross the Claiborne Pell Newport Bridge, and it’s in plain view—a small white lighthouse on the edge of an island in the bay. It’s seen by hundreds of pairs of eyes a day, but very few know about what happens on the island. The Rose Island Lighthouse is a “living museum”; meaning thatRead More