Other News

But First, Let Me Take A Selfie

Uncategorized June 5, 2014 at 1:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Cassidy Rota | Staff Writer Whether they are seen as promoting self-confidence or serving as a reflection of self-absorption, a “selfie,” is much more than a silly slang word. Recently, the anchors of The Today Show on NBC have been promoting a more positive outlook on body image, focusing specifically on the concept of selfies. In their campaign called,Read More

Credit: Wiki Media Commons

Can Salve Fully “Go Green?”

Campus June 5, 2014 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Sofjola Bego | Staff Writer Environmental friendliness is no longer a new concept to colleges, especially Salve Regina. For a while now, our school has successfully promoted and developed recycling in dorms, less usage of water bottles, and more bike utilization. However, how much effort does it really take to comply with these eco-friendly attempts? When we want toRead More

Media Credit: Salve Regina Theatre Department

Nothing Short of ‘Fantastick’!

Arts and Entertainment June 5, 2014 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Kristin Wilinkiewicz | Arts and Entertainment Editor The Salve Regina University’s department of Theater and Dance is at it again. This time, they’ve back with the world’s longest-running musical, The Fantasticks, directed by Reggie Phoenix. The play is about two neighboring families that trick their children into falling in love with one another. What happens afterwards is an entertaining mixRead More

Salve Business Department “Gets Down to Business”

Salve Business Department “Gets Down to Business”

Lifestyle, Uncategorized April 28, 2014 at 1:09 pm Comments are Disabled

By Mia Lupo | Fashion and Lifestyles C0-Editor Salve Regina University business majors modeled the latest business casual styles from Talbot’s on the McAuley lawn. Ladies modeled clothing from Talbots, located on the corner of Bellevue Ave. and Memorial Blvd., and men modeled Top Man apparel, which is available at the New England Harbour Club. The photo shoot was part of “GettingRead More

SlutWalk Comes to Salve

SlutWalk Comes to Salve

Features April 14, 2014 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Kate Drexel | Managing Editor Salve students gathered together Thursday, April 10 to join in protesting against rape culture, known as the SlutWalk. This is the event’s first year on campus as part of a Capstone class. The students who participated dressed provocatively and wrote messages on their bodies such as “Still Not Asking For It.” “SlutWalk, internationally, wasRead More