Other News

Stagefright and Playwriting Guild Host a Night of Student Stories

Uncategorized April 14, 2014 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Students are full of stories—Salve knows that. That’s why Salve Regina’s theater club, Stagefright, in partnership with the Playwriting Guild produced a night of student-written pieces for the stage this weekend. Twenty three students worked together in order to present twenty short plays that kept the audience entranced over the course of two hours. Students in the Playwriting Guild actedRead More

2014 Newport Restaurant Week Review

2014 Newport Restaurant Week Review

Newport, Off Campus April 13, 2014 at 11:59 pm Comments are Disabled

By Quisan Taylor-Lawhon | Photography Editor Many of Newport’s finest destinations for the season’s freshest and most innovative prepared dishes serve not only dinner, but lunch too. The lunch and dinner duo is offered at a variety of cuisine themed restaurants from Busker’s Irish Pub, to Diego’s Mexican inspired flavors to Newport’s steak and seafood sanctuaries like 22 Bowens.  LocatedRead More

Miley Cafeteria : A Renovation or Debacle

Campus, Op-Ed April 13, 2014 at 11:59 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Georgi DeMartino | Opinion Editor The opinions below are mine and do not reflect those of SRU Mosaic Newspaper as an organization.  Salve Regina’s Miley Cafeteria had a glamorous makeover in the summer of 2013. A new lounge was added to the garden level, with hip looking, exposed ceilings. The lounge includes a new, and incredibly anticipated, Starbucks. MileyRead More

Photo Credit, Erica McLaughlin

A March to Remember

Campus March 31, 2014 at 12:00 pm Comments are Disabled

By Erica McLaughlin | Staff Member The walls of first floor O’Hare were buzzing with culture this weekend because of a special, annual event that is put on by Salve’s own very talented early childhood education majors: March into Reading. Since October, juniors in the major have been working hard to create a lively, cultural escape for young children aroundRead More

The Age of the Smart Phone

Uncategorized March 31, 2014 at 12:00 pm Comments are Disabled

Laura Montesanti | Staff Writer It looks like another form of technology is just about to byte the dust…. According to a Pew Research Center report, more and more Americans are leaving their basic cell phones behind for their high tech counterparts. The attached Gallup poll asked the public about types of electronic devices in their lives. In 2005, 78Read More