Other News

Media credit: MCT Campus

“Professors Have Lives Too?”- How They Plan to Spend Christmas Break

Features, Uncategorized December 5, 2012 at 8:27 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Lindsay LaChapelle; Mosaic Staff Writer, With winter break quickly approaching, anticipation for the end of the semester is building, but it’s not only the students who are anxiously awaiting the vacation.   The Salve professors are just as eager to put aside their studies and relax.  Many plan on filling their time with books, movies, and TV. Dr. Daniel Cowdin.Read More

Salve Sponsors NYC Trip to see “The Nutcracker”

Salve Sponsors NYC Trip to see “The Nutcracker”

Campus December 5, 2012 at 8:04 pm Comments are Disabled

By Kelly Kern; Mosaic Staff Writer,Salve Regina students took a bite out of the Big Apple during a Campus Activities Board sponsored trip to the New York City Ballet performance of a Christmas classic, “The Nutcracker”. Fifty students attended the matinee performance on Sunday December 2nd at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center in New York City. The ballet,Read More

Salve Community Opens Door of Acceptance

Salve Community Opens Door of Acceptance

Uncategorized November 17, 2012 at 4:05 pm Comments are Disabled

By Albert Vuoso; Mosaic Staff Writer– Members of the Salve Regina community showed their support for students of alternative lifestyles by participating in the Alliance Club’s second annual “Door of Acceptance” on November 5. Nearly 180 students and staff walked through the red painted door in the lobby of O’Hare.  In doing so, they pledged to support the different relationshipsRead More

SRU ROUND-UP: Tom Flanagan

SRU ROUND-UP: Tom Flanagan

Uncategorized November 17, 2012 at 3:33 pm Comments are Disabled

By Marina Hare; Mosaic Staff Writer– Tom Flanagan is a renowned professor, proud veteran, caring grandfather, and devout Mickey Mouse fan. Flanagan has been a part of the Salve Regina University community for 31 years. He is currently teaching Business Ethics and Management of Organizational Behavior. Relax Flanagan starts his day between 4 and 5 in the morning, with hisRead More

Media Credit: Salve Today

Improv Group Brings “A Shot of Reality” to Salve Campus

Uncategorized November 17, 2012 at 3:21 pm Comments are Disabled

By Frank Lombardi; Mosaic Staff Writer– Salve Regina students were welcomed to take a “Shot of Reality” this past Wednesday night, when the CAB office hosted an informative, improvisational comedy show about alcohol and the dangers of underage drinking. The event took place on Wednesday, November 7th from 7-8pm in Antone’s Bazarsky Lecture Hall.  Prior to the show, the CABRead More